The VII Latin American Congress on Gender and Religion of Faculdades EST, organized by the Gender and Religion Program and the Gender Research Center, took place from August 24 to 27, 2021, bringing together researchers, leaders and members of religious groups and institutions, social movements and the field of public policies throughout Brazil, Latin American countries and other continents. It aimed to share and discuss current issues in the academic field, social and political action and community experience in the intersection of Gender and Religion themes, from the most diverse areas of knowledge. The themes chosen to inspire us were: “Courage – Creativity – Hope”.
Download the e-book Latin American Congress on Gender and Religion.
KROB, Daniéli Busanello; BRUN, Marli; SENGER, Sabrina (ed.). Courage, criativity, hope: VII Latin American Congress on Gender and Religion. São Leopoldo, RS: CEBI, 2022. [e-book].